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Pesach Services & Candle Lighting Times

Monday 22nd April: Fast of the First Born


7.00am  Shacharit and siyyum at the home of Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg. Please email Lucy Craig for the address.

Finish eating chametz by 10.36am
Burn chametz by 11.48am

7.54pm Candle lighting


Tuesday 23rd April: Pesach day 1


Assif service
Traditional service
Hakol Olin service (streamed*)

Toddlers' service (pre-school)

Infants' service (Reception – Year 2)

9.02pm  Candle lighting for second day


Wednesday 24th April: Pesach day 2


9.30am Traditional service


Friday 26th April


6.30pm Kabbalat Shabbat service

8.01pm  Candle lighting 


Shabbat 27th April: Shabbat Chol Hamoed


Assif service
Traditional service
Hakol Olin service (streamed*)

Toddlers' service (pre-school)
Family Service – please book here

Please note that there will be no kiddush during Pesach, and we kindly ask you also not to bring food into the building.


Sunday 28th April: Erev Pesach day 7


8.04pm Candle lighting


Monday 29th April: Pesach day 7


Assif service
Traditional service
Hakol Olin service (streamed*)

9.14pm Candle lighting


Tuesday 30th April: Pesach day 8


Traditional service
Egalitarian service

Streamed Yizkor Service (Please note: this is not an in-person service)

9.15pm Yom Tov ends

 *Streamed services use ‘Set and Forget’ via our YouTube channel.



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Fri, 28 March 2025 28 Adar 5785