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About Us

We are a Masorti community based in North West London, with a membership of over 3,700 including more than 1,000 children and young people. 

Our Values and Vision are core to all that we do at NNLS. You can read about our history here.

In addition to Shabbat and festival services, we engage in a wide range of educational, social, cultural and social action activities.

Feel free to browse our website and visit our community… and please do look at our programme of forthcoming events. Whether you are on your own or with your family, we hope we have something to offer you. If you think there is something missing in our  programme, we are also always interested in new ideas – so please be in touch

For any queries or suggestions, please email our office team or call 020 8346 8560.  

Registered Charity No: 1094668
Company registered in England No: 4493731

Values & Vision

At New North London Masorti Synagogue we want to:

create a supportive and inclusive community, caring for each other throughout life’s journey

share the love of traditional open-minded Judaism through learning, practice and prayer

forge a Jewish life which faces the intellectual and spiritual challenges of today

follow Judaism’s passionate concern for social and environmental justice

enjoy the celebration of Jewish life.

We want you to:

feel at home

create our community together

grow in Jewish knowledge and confidence

deepen our spiritual journey

live a life guided by values and ideals

contribute to our dynamic, contemporary Judaism.

We are our community

Our Synagogue - A Brief History

Our synagogue was established on Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, in 1974. Its founders were seeking something familiar but different: a Judaism which was traditional yet dynamic, true to the past yet honest about the new knowledge and realities of the modern world. Their guiding teacher was Rabbi Dr Louis Jacobs, Anglo-Jewry’s greatest scholar. He stressed the importance of quest, of seeking spiritual and intellectual truth while remaining faithful to the established practices of Judaism. This is the hallmark of our Masorti, traditional and open-minded, Judaism.

The commitment and enthusiasm of its creators ensured that the new community would be a success. During the early years services took place in church halls and members’ homes. In 1984 the synagogue acquired its first proper premises, here in the Sternberg Centre, which it has been grateful to share ever since with Leo Baeck College, the Akiva School and other organisations. We are grateful too for the years of peace and prosperity we have been able to enjoy alongside our neighbours in Finchley, Church End.

In 1987 Jonathan Wittenberg was appointed as rabbi; he has remained with the community ever since and has been privileged to see it grow and develop year by year. The core activities of the congregation include prayer and study; education for children and adults in the practices, history and sacred texts of Judaism; caring for each other through life’s sorrows and joys; and reaching out to other groups both within and beyond the Jewish community through charity and social action.

Over the years our professional team has expanded to include our executive director, and directors of education, programming, community development and social action. But at the heart of all we do is a culture of volunteering and sharing, of working together to create the vibrant warmth which is the mark of true community, and the energy and engagement essential for sustaining a vibrant spiritual community. This remains true in our beautiful new building, dedicated in May, 2011.

We are devoted to our Jewish faith, through which we uphold the same prinicples which lie at the heart of this country: reverence for God’s world, respect for the dignity of all people, care for those who are vulnerable, compassion, justice and equality.

We look forward to working with all our neighbours for the realisation of these values both locally and throughout the world, and ask, in the words of the Psalms, that ‘God bless the work of our hands’.



Wed, 26 March 2025 26 Adar 5785