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Local Register Offices and Burial Societies

Register offices will issue the green certificate which all burial societies (regardless of denomination) require by law to enable burial to take place.


Register offices

The London Borough of Barnet 
182 Burnt Oak Broadway, Edgware HA8 0AU. Tel: 0208 359 6400.
Opening hours: 9–4pm Monday to Saturday, by appointment only.  
On Sunday, the Town Hall operates an answer phone between 9-10am on 020 8359 2000; the registrar will return the call but messages should only be left if essential. All deaths in the London Borough of Barnet should be registered at this office.

Camden Office
Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE. Tel: 0207 974 1900
Opening hours: 9-4.30pm Monday to Friday, closed at 1pm on the first Thursday of each month. On Saturday and Sunday the office can be called on the main switchboard 020 7278 4444 (emergency number) for interments taking place on the day only. Deaths which occur at the Royal Free, University College, St Pancras Hospitals and the Marie Curie Hospice should be registered at this office.

Islington Office 
Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, London N1 2UD. Tel: 0207 527 6350
Opening hours: 9.30–4pm Monday to Friday, 9-11am on Saturday by appointment only, closed on Sunday. This office is also closed at 1.00pm on the first Thursday in each month.
Deaths which occur at the Whittington Hospital should be registered here. In an emergency this office can also issue green forms for deaths occurring in the City of London area however they cannot register a death until Monday, if it has occurred on the previous Saturday.

Burial Societies

The Western Charitable Foundation
32 Great Cumberland Place, London W1H 7TN.Tel:0207 724 7702 fax: 0207 724 9758. 
Office hours: 9–5 pm Monday to Thursday, and 9 – 12pm on Friday. Answer phone only on Sunday.
If the deceased had previously made a reservation for a plot the Western will need confirmation.

The Jewish Joint Burial Society 
Tel: 0208 989 5252 fax:0208 989 6075
Office hours: 9-4.30pm Monday to Thursday, 9–2pm Friday and 9-11am Sunday.
Many Reform and some Masorti Synagogues use the JJBS, they are also able to arrange funerals for those who have not  previously been affiliated to any burial society.

The United Synagogue Burial Society
The New Lodge, Bushey Cemetery, Little Bushey Lane, WD23 3TP Tel: 0208 950 7767
Office hours: 9-5pm Monday to Thursday, 9-1pm Friday and Sunday.
The United Synagogue will require details of the membership of the deceased, and whether he/she had reserved a plot.

The Federation of Synagogues
65 Watford Way NW4 3AQ. Tel: 0208 202 2263 fax: 0208 8203 0610.
Office hours: 9-4pm Monday to Thursday, 9-12pm Friday and Sunday. Answer phone out of office hours.

Liberal Judaism
In the first instance, members should contact the funeral directors Michael King Funeral Directors, Barnet on 020 8368 7453 (this is a 24 hour service).

Spanish and Portuguese Burial Society
Tel: 0207 289 2573.
Office hours: 9.30-5.30pm Monday to Thursday, 9.30-1pm on Friday.
If the deceased was not a member of this congregation, evidence of their membership of another Sephardi congregation, or of their or their parent’s orthodox marriage will be required.

Adath Yisroel Burial Society
Tel: 0208 802 6262, fax: 0208 800 8764
Office hours: 9-1pm Monday to Friday, 10.15-1pm on Sunday.
This society is basically for members of orthodox synagogues, and proof of membership will be required.

Sat, 1 March 2025 1 Adar 5785