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Golden Shabbat

Friday, 4 April, 2025 6 Nisan 5785

6:30 PM - 6:00 PM Next DayVarious


Join us for Golden Shabbat: a joyous communal gathering that will be one of the highlights of our Golden Jubilee year. Five special Shabbat morning services (Assif, Traditional, Hakol Olin, Family Explanatory and Youth), will mark the occasion in their own unique way, culminating in everyone joining together to hear reflections from our members, sing a brand new Adon Olam melody, and enjoy a special Kiddush.

Listen to our celebratory Adon Olam by Miki & Andy Shaw.


A grand community get-together


Over the course of Shabbat, we’re inviting everyone either to host a pot luck meal or to attend one at a member’s home. You’ll be able to choose from Friday night dinner, Shabbat lunch or Shabbat tea. Sign up below to be a host or a guest.


Could you be one of our Golden Shabbat Kiddush sponsors?


We're looking forward to bringing the whole community together for a celebratory kiddush on Golden Shabbat, and we'd be really grateful if you could sponsor us.

We'll ask you to enter how you'd like to be named on the weeksheet in our list of sponsors, or whether you'd prefer to be anonymous

Sign up to HOST a pot luck meal

Sign up to ATTEND a post luck meal

Sign up to be one of our Kiddush sponsors

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Fri, 28 March 2025 28 Adar 5785