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When They Came For Me: The Hidden Diary Of An Apartheid Prisoner

Wednesday, 16 June, 2021 6 Tammuz 5781

8:30 PM - 9:30 PMZoom

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg in conversation with John Schlapobersky

In 1969, while a student in South Africa, John Schlapobersky was arrested for opposing apartheid and tortured, detained and eventually deported.  Interrogated through sleep deprivation, he later wrote secretly in solitary confinement about the struggle for survival.  In his new exquisitely written memoir, based on two hidden diaries, one in his Bible and the other on toilet paper, John reflects on the singing of the condemned prisoners, the poetry, songs and texts that saw him through his ordeal, and its impact.  The sense of hope through which he transformed his life guides his continuing work as a psychotherapist and his focus on the rehabilitation of others.

If you missed this event, you can swatch the video here
You can also watch the launch event video, which took place on 13 June 2021, here

To order the book in the UK, visit the Publisher's website here.

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