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Purim 2025

Thursday, 13 March, 2025 13 Adar 5785

7:00 PM - 4:30 PM Next Day

Thursday 13 March - Purim night

Megillah Readings - 7.00PM

Two Megillah readings - regular and quiet.

Purim in the Shuk - 8.15PM

Travel back in time to Shushan and visit our Purim Shuk to enjoy an immersive evening with fantastic stalls and marketplace activities, including food & drink, music & movement, speed study sessions with our rabbis and arts & wellbeing stalls. The Shuk is aimed at age 11 and up.

Click here to sign up for Purim in the Shuk


Friday 14 March - Purim day

Shacharit & Megillah Reading - 8.15AM

In Person Shacharit and Megillah Reading

Children's Purim Party - 3.00 - 4.30PM

An afternoon of professional children's entertainment, Purim crafts and messy play, along with a fancy dress parade and a Megillah reading.

Click here to sign up for the Children's Purim Party


Purim Appeal

Purim is a time to give Tzedakah (charity) and this year we will be supporting Leket in Israel and FEAST with Us here in London.

Please click here to donate

Shabbat 15 March - Purim MinchaH at Home

4.30pm at a members' home

Come for Shabbat Minchah and Maariv in a relaxed, at-home environment without climbing up the East End Road! 

Guest speaker: Dr Vera Michlin - Shapir, Visiting Fellow , Kings's Russia Institute, King;s College London will be speaking with Rabbi Jonathan on Putin as the Modern Haman: Putin's complex relationship with Jews in Russia and Israel.

Toys and books for children provided in a dedicated play area 

Service leading will be traditional, the warm welcome is universal!  Everyone aged 0 to 100+ is welcome! 

Click here to sign up.

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Sun, 9 March 2025 9 Adar 5785