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Everyone Counts: a Learning programme for the omer

Stepping Up to the Bimah

Have you ever wanted to learn how to take part in leading our services? Or perhaps you already do so, but want to learn something new? 

Everyone Counts is the NNLS service-leading programme. It takes place during the counting of the Omer in the lead-up to Shavuot.

There is something for everyone - no matter your level of Jewish knowledge.


Sign up here or scroll down for more information

how to have an aliyah

Rabbi Chaim Weiner has made two instructional videos. 

Some background explanation


What to do and say



how to do hagbah

Shabbat 13 May at NNLS, after Kiddush

Rabbi Chaim will go through the intricacies of doing Hagbah (the lifting of the Torah scroll after the reading). 

Led by Rabbi Chaim Weiner. Please sign up below.


Become a Shammas or Gabbai

8pm, Wednesday 17 May at Jude Williams' home in Finchley

The Gabbai and Shammas play a vital part in making sure that our services run smoothly. In this informal session, we will cover what is involved and how you can train to become either. 

Led by Sara Okrent and Jude Williams. Please sign up below


Learn to give a Dvar Torah

Do you want to give a Dvar Torah (a short talk based on the week's Torah portion) but don't know where to start? In these two workshops, you'll get an understanding of how you can approach the texts, and how to plan a D'var Torah. Come to one or both sessions. 

8pm, Tuesday 16 May at Michael Wegier's home in Finchley

Michael Wegier will discuss Franz Rosenzweig's approach to reading Torah with contemporary eyes.

8.15pm, Tuesday 23 May at Matt Plen's home in Finchley

Matt Plen will explain some simple, accessible ways to structure a Dvar Torah.

Please sign up below.


Lead the TOrah Service

8pm, Thursday 18 May and Wednesday 24 May at NNLS

In this two-part workshop you will learn the choreography in leading the Torah Service, including practicing together. The workshops include access to sound files to practice. Good Hebrew skills, a fair singing voice and enthusiasm are all that's needed.

Led by Harriet Oppenheimer. Please sign up below.


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Fri, 28 March 2025 28 Adar 5785