High Holydays Q&A
What services are being offered over Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?
We will be offering the following range of services:
• Adult Services
• Streamed Services
• Quiet services on Second Day Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidrei
• Children’s Services, including Sunflower Inclusive Services and a range of provision for our teens
• Family and Explanatory Services
A timetable of all our services can be found here
Do I need to book for services this year?
For the most part no. You will have received a ticket for High Holyday services that confirms the venues you are allocated to attend for each of the large adult services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
The only services you do need to please book for are:
a) any of the Family Services, Explanatory Services and inclusive Sunflower Services taking place on Rosh Hashanah Days 1 and 2 and on Yom Kippur – for more information and to book online here
b) the Quiet (Highlights) Services on Rosh Hashanah Day 2 and Kol Nidrei - book here.
Will I get a physical ticket and what must I bring to the service to confirm my booking?
You are being sent your ticket by email which we ask you to print (ideally in colour) and bring with you to enter the site. For security purposes, to save us having to look up large numbers of members on attendance lists it will be much quicker for you to show your printed emailed ticket – PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING IT WITH YOU!
For those who are unable to print their email ticket, please let the Office know so that we can make suitable alternative arrangements for you.
Where are services being held?
At both the Sternberg Centre (in our own building and in Akiva) and the Avenue. There will be full disabled access to all spaces. Your tickets will specify what spaces we ask you to go to for each service. Click here for a full listing of all services and their locations.
Where is the Avenue?
The Avenue is the function suite at the Holiday Inn Express Hotel at Henlys Corner. It is a 10-15 minute stroll from NNLS at 58 Regents Park Road, N3 3JN
Will there be Traditional and Egalitarian services?
Yes, there will be both Traditional and Egalitarian services throughout Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidrei and Yom Kippur. Over the High Holydays, Assif and Hakol Olin join forces to deliver our Egalitarian services.
What if I have an ‘Avenue’ ticket for first day Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur but want to attend one of the Family or other smaller services happening on the Sternberg Centre site?
All Quiet (Highlights) Services, Children’s Services, Family, Explanatory and Sunflower Services and the Teens Programme will be taking place at the Sternberg Centre site. When attending any of these services, you/your children will be allowed access to those services, even if you have an Avenue based ticket. However, we ask that you still honour your original allocation for main adult services.
Will there be streamed services this year?
A number of services in the Beit Knesset will be live streamed - namely, our full Egalitarian services on Rosh Hashanah Day 1, Kol Nidrei and, save for Minchah, services throughout Yom Kippur day. The style of these streamed services will be fly on the wall.
For members who are not keen to be on screen there are large clearly signed sections of the Beit Knesset that will be off camera. And, for members who do not want to attend a streamed service, your tickets will be valid at alternative Egalitarian services taking place at each of these times.
Streamed services can be accessed via our NNLS YouTube channel. You can click here for instructions for you to be able to switch on and leave your computer running in a halachic-friendly way over the chag without having to engage with it to receive our streaming.
How will I be able to follow the service?
A list of page numbers for the Koren, Birnbaum, Artscroll and Routledge machzorim will be available in each service; page numbers will also announced intermittently throughout the services.
Will I be able to use one of the Synagogue’s community machzorim (prayer books) when I attend a service?
Whilst there will be community machzorim available, we encourage as many members as possible to bring their own.
We recommend you buy the Koren, which you can get online at:
Rosh Hashanah Koren Machzor: Aisenthal Judaica or at Amazon;
Yom Kippur Koren Machzor: Aisenthal Judaica or at Amazon
Are there extra Yizkor services on Yom Kippur?
In addition to Yizkor being included in each of the three large services on Yom Kippur morning, a further additional stand-alone Yizkor service will be happening at 3.30pm in the Beit Midrash.
Can I book guest tickets for family who are not members of NNLS?
A limited number of guest tickets for the High Holydays will be available this year for immediate family (parent, child, sibling, spouse/partner) of members of NNLS. Members can request tickets via this form. Requests will be dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis.
How can I help?
We welcome any offers of help, large or small, to assist us in the mammoth operation that is the High Holydays at NNLS. The key roles we are still looking for volunteers to fill are help with security and greeting. If you’ve not already received emails about either of these and would like to sign up for a shift, please contact Susan Reuben to play your part. Thank you.
Children & Teens
What Children’s Services are happening?
There will be Toddlers’ Services on both days of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur.
There will also be Children’s Services by year group for Reception through to Year 6 on Rosh Hashanah Day 1 and on Yom Kippur. On Rosh Hashanah Day 2 there will be Infants and Juniors Family Services (see below). Click here for a full listing of all services and their locations.
When are Family and Explanatory Services happening?
Family and Explanatory services will be taking place on both days of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur. Family Services cater to families with primary school aged children up to Year 4, who can enjoy an abridged child-friendly service together with their family. Explanatory Services are recommended for pre-Bnei Mitzvah families (year 5 and above) where we follow a shortened service with deeper explanations of specific prayers on these special days.
If you do want to go to a Family or Explanatory Service, please book here.
What will the difference be between the Children’s Services and the Family Services?
Family Services are for parents and children to enjoy a child friendly service together. We follow the Family Machzor and include lots of the songs, festival prayers and a short Torah reading
Children’s Services are split into school years and are more activity-based with a selection of stories, games and discussions. Older children attend Children’s Services alone. We are happy for one parent to accompany the very young children (Toddlers and Reception age) but we ask you to please support the service leader by actively joining in with the service and not chatting.
What are the Sunflower Services?
Sunflower Services are relaxed inclusive services for our neurodiverse children and their families. These will start at the earlier time of 10:30am to avoid the 11:00 am rush. Please sign up in advance, here.
If I have a baby to feed where can I go?
If you are in any of the adult or Family Services, you can of course feed your baby at your seat. During the Children’s Services hour, the Brides Room (opposite the Beit Midrash) has been set aside as a quiet space for carers and very young children.
If you are at The Avenue and would like a quiet space to feed, there will be a screened off area in the foyer, outside the main hall.
My teens aren’t super keen to attend the regular adult services. What is on offer for them?
There is a range of activities for teens across Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Succot/Simchat Torah. Click here for full details.
Tue, 1 April 2025
3 Nisan 5785
Today's Calendar
: 7:00am |
: 4:00pm |
Evening of Creativity Year 6 : 6:00pm |
: 7:30pm |
: 8:00pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Apr 1 Evening of Creativity Year 6 Tuesday, Apr 1 6:00pm |
Apr 1 |
Apr 2 Evening of Creativity Haderech Year 7 Wednesday, Apr 2 6:00pm |
Apr 3 |
Apr 3 B'nei Mitzvah Information Evening Thursday, Apr 3 7:30pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayikra
Shabbat, Apr 5 |
Taanit Bechorot
Thursday, Apr 10 |
Children & Youth
For information for on obtaining CRP points for Jewish School Admissions click here.
For Children & Families up to Year 6 click here.
For Youth from Year 7 click here.
Let's go green
Gan Alon Pre-School
Click here for more information.
For the NNLS YouTube channel click here.
Shema Koleinu
Shema Koleinu, the new Masorti prayer skills website, has easy-to-follow melodies, liturgy and explanations for you to practise at home.
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