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High Holyday Children's Services 5785/2024

Welcome to the Children's Services Programme for High Holy Days.

We have a variety of services available for children and their families. For an explanation of the different types of Services, please scroll to the bottom of the page. 

*If a Service has a booking link attached to it, please note that we require you to book to attend. The Services that require you to sign up are the Family, Explanatory and Relaxed Services. All other services don't need to be booked in advance.  


There are a variety of services available for children and their families over the High Holydays:

Toddlers' Services: Join us for festival songs and stories for pre-schoolers. On Rosh Hashanah Day 1 and Yom Kippur we are running 2 services to ensure we have enough space for everyone, at 10.30 and 11.30am. Due to limited space, please can just 1 parent attend per child.

Children’s Services: These services combine High Holyday activities with our favourite festival prayers and songs. Just for children who are able to attend without a parent.

Family Services: Enjoy an abridged child-friendly service together with your family. This is aimed at Primary School aged children up to Year 4, and will include all the High Holyday prayer highlights and a Torah service. Please sign up in advance.

Explanatory Services: Recommended for pre-Bnei Mitzvah families (year 5 and above) where we enjoy an abridged service with deeper explanations of specific prayers on these special days. Please sign up in advance. 

Sunflower/Relaxed Services: Relaxed inclusive services for our neurodiverse children and their families. These will start at the earlier time of 10:30am to avoid the 11:00 am rush. Please sign up in advance. 

A quiet breastfeeding space is available during the High Holydays in the Brides Room (opposite the Beit Midrash), but you are welcome to breastfeed wherever it is comfortable to do so.  

There will also be a quiet space for neurodiverse children and their families (Studio 2, Art Stables, Sternberg Centre).

Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah Day 1: Thursday 3 October


Toddlers' Service (Sternberg Centre, Akiva Classrooms - First Floor)

Sunflower Service* (Sternberg Centre, Art Stables) - book here


Children’s Services, Reception-Year 6 (Sternberg Centre, Akiva Classrooms - First Floor)

Family Service*, Reception-Year 4 (Sternberg Centre, Beit Tefilah) - book here

Explanatory Service*, Year 5+ (Sternberg Centre, Beit Midrash) - book here


Toddlers' Service (Sternberg Centre, Akiva Classrooms - First Floor)


Rosh Hashanah Day 2: Friday 4 October


Toddlers' Service (Sternberg Centre, Beit Midrash)

Infants' Family Service*, Reception-Year 2 (Sternberg Centre, Akiva Moadon) - book here

Juniors' Family Service*, Year 3-Year 6 (Sternberg Centre, Beit Tefilah) - book here


Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur: Shabbat 12 October


Toddlers' Service (Sternberg Centre, Akiva Classrooms - First Floor)

Sunflower Service* (Sternberg Centre, Art Stables) - book here


Children’s Services, Reception-Year 6 (Sternberg Centre, Akiva Classrooms - First Floor)

Family Service*, Reception-Year 4 (Sternberg Centre, Beit Tefilah) - book here

Explanatory Service*, Year 5+ (Sternberg Centre, Beit Midrash) - book here


Toddlers' Service (Sternberg Centre, Akiva Classrooms - First Floor)


Succot AND simchat torah


For information and to book for Succot and Simchat Torah Children's & Family services and activities, please click here.

Tue, 1 April 2025 3 Nisan 5785