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Mazal tov!

We are delighted that you are planning your wedding or shutafut (partnership for same-sex couples) ceremony. We wish you every possible happiness.

The members of our rabbinic team - Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, Rabbi Zahavit Shalev, Rabbi Yael Jaffe, Rabbi Lara Haft Yom-Tov, and Rabbi Chaim Weiner - are always happy to officiate at weddings. When the wedding is a joint civil/religious one it is usually assisted by one of our Marriage Secretaries.

Wedding services can be held at the synagogue or in other venues. No licence for an outside venue is required.

Please contact Lucy Craig in the Synagogue office for our wedding pack. And do be in touch as soon as possible to discuss dates.

As well as meeting with you to discuss details about your own wedding, our rabbinic team runs social events where you can meet other couples, and classes where you can learn about the wedding ceremony and explore Jewish wisdom about marriage.

We look forward to meeting and celebrating with you.

Fri, 28 March 2025 28 Adar 5785