Services at NNLS
You are welcome to join us in any of our services.
We have weekday, Shabbat and Festival prayers; we have traditional, as well as traditional egalitarian services. Within the NNLS spirit of pluralism and diversity, our members are offered a rich variety of services which embrace different minhagim (customs) of prayer. It is not uncommon for three different services (Traditional, Hakol Olin and Assif) to be running concurrently.
Our services follow a traditional liturgy, rooted in the love of traditional melodies. We try to create an atmosphere which is welcoming and relaxed, focussed and participative. Children are welcome, and we hold special services for them as well.
PLEASE NOTE: There are usually changes to the regular schedule during school holidays. Shacharit services do not usually take place in person in August. Please see Shalom NNLS emails for up to date details.
Weekly Services timetable
Day |
Online or in person |
Service |
Start time |
Minhag |
In person
Shacharit |
Varies |
Separate Traditional, |
Sunday (and bank holidays)
In person & Zoom**
Zoom** |
Traditional, except on Rosh Chodesh, when it is Torah Egalitarian Egalitarian |
In person & Zoom Zoom |
Ma'ariv |
8.00pm |
Traditional, except on Rosh Chodesh, when it is Torah Egalitarian Egalitarian |
In person & Zoom Zoom |
Wednesday |
In person & Zoom |
Shacharit Ma'ariv |
8.15am 8.00pm |
Torah Egalitarian Egalitarian |
In person & Zoom Zoom |
Torah Egalitarian
Zoom |
Shacharit Minchah, Kabbalat Shabbat, Ma'ariv |
7.00am 6.30pm |
Egalitarian Blended* |
*The Friday night minhag aims to encourage people to attend an in-person Friday night service at which the community can be together. Men lead minchah and ma'ariv; a woman or man can lead Kabbalat Shabbat. Seating is in three sections: men on one side, women on the other, mixed seating across the centre.
** Zoom links can be found in Shalom NNLS emails.
Please note that Shacharit services do not usually take place in person in August. Please see Shalom NNLS emails for up to date details.
Midweek Shacharit at NNLS
On Sunday and Monday the minyan is traditional. On Wednesday and Thursday it is traditional with an egalitarian Torah reading (Torah egalitarian) whenever there is a Torah service on that day, and on Tuesday it is egalitarian. Shacharit is also Torah egalitarian at all services that fall on Rosh Chodesh.
Shacharit services usually start at the following times:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 7.00am (in person and on Zoom)
Friday: 7.00am (Zoom only)
Check our calendar for up to date service times, and Shalom NNLS emails for Zoom links.
Click here for a guide to help those less familiar with midweek Shacharit that has been produced by Rabbi Wittenberg and the NNLS Services Committee. Copies are also available at Shacharit services.
'We pray whenever our heart and soul are awake'
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg
Fri, 28 March 2025
28 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
: 7:00am |
: 6:30pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 29 |
Mar 29 |
Mar 29 |
Mar 30 |
Mar 31 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Pekudei
Shabbat Mevarchim & Parshat Hachodesh
Shabbat, Mar 29 |
Children & Youth
For information for on obtaining CRP points for Jewish School Admissions click here.
For Children & Families up to Year 6 click here.
For Youth from Year 7 click here.
Let's go green
Gan Alon Pre-School
Click here for more information.
For the NNLS YouTube channel click here.
Shema Koleinu
Shema Koleinu, the new Masorti prayer skills website, has easy-to-follow melodies, liturgy and explanations for you to practise at home.
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