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Please scroll down for details of services and activities for the whole community.

sUccOT & Simchat Torah sERVICES

Unless otherwise stated, services will take place at NNLS

Erev Succot: Wednesday 16 October
6.30pm Minchah/Ma'ariv 

Succot Day 1: Thursday 17 October 
9.30am Traditional Service
9.30am Egalitarian Service

11.00am Family Service (sign up here)
11.00am Torah Breakfast - Years 5 and 6

Erev Succot Day 2: Thursday 17 October 
6.30pm Minchah/Ma’ariv - At Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg's home

Succot Day 2: Friday 18 October
9.30am Traditional Service

5.30pm Dinner in the Succah - Years 9-13 (sign up here)
6.30pm Minchah/Ma’ariv

Hoshanah Rabbah/Erev Shemini Atzeret: Wednesday 23 October
7.00am Hoshanah Rabbah and Shacharit Service (in person and on Zoom)

Please note, this time is earlier than previously advertised.
4.30pm Minchah, Yizkor and reflection on Zoom with Rabbi Jonathan
The Yizkor service will include extra prayers in memory of the pogrom that took place in Israel on Shemini Atzeret last year.

6.30pm Traditional Minchah/Ma'ariv Service

Shemini Atzeret/Erev Simchat Torah: Thursday 24 October
9.30am Traditional Service
9.30am Egalitarian Service hosted by Assif

4.30pm Children's Simchat Torah celebration, ages 3-11 (Sign up here)
6.30pm Simchat Torah Tisch, Year 7+ (sign up here)
7.00pm Ma'ariv and Hakafot (Erev Simchat Torah Service)

Simchat Torah: Friday 25 October
9.30am Traditional Service

9.30am Egalitarian Service
6.30pm Minchah/Ma'ariv

Teens, Families & Children

Click here for Succot Family and Children's services.

Click here for activities for teens over Succot.

Yom Tov Times

Erev Succot, Wednesday 16 October, candle lighting: 5.51pm
Succot I, Thursday 17 October, candle lighting: 6.50pm
Succot II, Friday 18 October, yom tov ends: 5.46pm

Erev Shemini Atzeret, Wednesday 23 October, candle lighting: 5.36pm
Erev Simchat Torah, Thursday 24 October, candle lighting: 6.37pm
Simchat Torah, Friday 25 October, yom tov ends: 5.32pm

Thu, 13 March 2025 13 Adar 5785