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Succot & simchat torah for Teens 5785/2024

dinner in the succah

Friday 18 October 5.30pm - 7.30pm

Join us on Friday Night for warming food, Succot-related activities and discussions in the Succah.

Year 9 to Year 13

Sign up here

SHeMINI atzeret & simchat torah TISCH

Thursday 24 October at 6.30pm- 7.30pm

Hang out with Noam before the main Simchat Torah celebrations! There will be games, snacks and Simchah to celebrate the conclusion of the Torah Reading cycle. We also acknowledge the importance of reflection at this point in the year, a year on from October 7th 2023.

Afterwards we will join the adults for Hakafot.

Click here to book


Sat, 15 March 2025 15 Adar 5785