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Helpful Support Resources 


We are keen that all members are aware of the various support resources that are available, which we have set out below and will keep under review. If any member feels that their particular need is not met by any of the resources listed below then please get in touch with Deborah Golend via the Synagogue Office - who will hopefully be able to point you to potential help and support.  

All requests for help are treated in strict confidence.

Financial, EMPLOYMENT &  legal

Paperweight Trust

The Trust offers free guidance on legal, financial and welfare issues and we believe it has capacity to help people. Click here for Paperweight's website.


Resource  can support you with every aspect of job searching, including preparing an effective CV, improving interview skills, writing speculative applications, as well as teaching you how to make the most of networking to locate work opportunities, using LinkedIn and other social media for your job search.  This is a free service.

To make an initial appointment with one of their advisors please call 020 8346 3000 or visit

Work Avenue

A community resource to help those seeking employment, advice with career guidance and interview preparation. 

Banet Citizens Advice Bureau

Coffee & Computers is a community initiative that helps newcomers to computers, tablets and smartphones to cope with the challenges in today’s tech-driven society. Sessions are free and run by volunteers.

Child Poverty Action Group

This website has a fantastic range of (free) information of assistance to those in financial difficulty (not at all limited to the issue of child poverty) with regards to state benefits and practical advice as to how to manage debt problems.



Emotional & Mental wellbeing

Barnet's free Working Well Service can support on issues such as isolation, anxiety and possible bereavements. Contact Sonal Doshi on 0738 454 3020 or email

The Barnet Wellbeing Hub has a range of online resources including wellbeing apps, exercises and mindfulness support.

Good Thinking is an online mental health programme for Londoners supporting people with mild-moderate mental health problems.

Government guidance has support for organisations assisting residents with mental health and wellbeing issues.

Help with stress and anxiety.

There are a wealth of resources on mindfulness which can help you train your mind to step away from the thought stream and be present. 

If you are finding your anxiety hard to manage, these websites have useful information:

Self-help for anxiety

Anxiety UK: Support & resources  

Therapy for you: Stress & Anxiety video 

            Looking after yourself (resources and information website)

Jewish Care provides a huge range of social care services including community activities, dementia services and residential provisions. Helpline: 0208 922 2222

JAMI Providing mental health support for the Jewish community


Please note if you or someone you care for is in crisis, the following organizations provide an urgent service.

MIND is open Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, call 0300 123 3393
Email or text 86463  

Samaritans are available 24/7: Freephone 116 123  Text Shout to 85258 (free) 24/7  

Rethink Mental Illness .  Access on a free helpline on 08088 02 00 80 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6pm-8pm and Sunday 6pm-9pm), text message on 07860 058 793 or webchat by visiting

or contact your GP



Children & Young people is a free and secure online counselling and emotional wellbeing platform for children and young people.

Exposure and Young Minds also provide mental health support for young people.

Barnet libraries have story and rhyme sessions for young children on YouTube.

Parental guide for keeping children and teens safe online Teen online safety



Domestic Abuse


Jewish Women's aid

Please see this link on how to access support and advice from JWA.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline for free, confidential support 24 hours a day on 0808 2000 247

Solace provides free and confidential support for women and men in Barnet affected by domestic abuse. Call 0203 874 5003 or email

Mankind helping men escape domestic abuse  

However, if you are in immediate danger, then call the police on 999

Silent Help – if you need help but are unable to speak, ring 999, and when they answer press 55. (This alerts the operator and the police will be sent to help you)

Addiction and substance misuse

The new Stop Smoking London has a Time to Quit campaign pack to help smokers to quit.  Twitter: @StopSmokingLon

Worried about increased alcohol use? Help is on hand to reduce or stop drinking in a safe way here, complete an alcohol test online or Skype for online coaching sessions.

The Barnet drug and alcohol service provides free access to recovery-focused drug and alcohol support for adults and young people through

Learning Disabilities resources & Support has collated tons of online events and resources for the Jewish learning disabilities community on our website. They have information packs on accessing mental health support and welfare resources, keeping people with disabilities active at home, things for families to do together, online music, arts and cultural opportunities, and dealing with going into hospital if you have a learning disability.

Sat, 22 February 2025 24 Shevat 5785